
For 3 years now, we try to feed www.lesothers.com on a daily basis with some original content, oriented around 3 main axes : travel, food and style. These inspiring stories, sincerely told by their protagonists and accompanied by photos and illustrations, take you every morning for a walk on the most beautiful glaciers in Nepal, a lovely hit-the-road in Scandinavia or a delicious gyosas preparation in a Japanese kitchen. 

And because, sometimes, turning off our computer and leafing through a beautiful book to start a new trip is all we need, we decided in 2015 to turn paper. With this online shop, we aim at providing you a new way of experiencing our offer: magazines' subscriptions and pre-orders next to a selection of products carefully curated for the modern escapist.

Want to say hello ? Contact us at contact@lesothers.com or directly on Twitter @lesothers. Don't forger to join our lovely community of outdoor lovers and passionate travelers on Facebook and Instagram.

Our address : 
Les Others
18 rue Saulnier